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Five At-Home Workouts to Build Strength

hot pink kettlebell

It’s challenging to figure out how to adjust your normal strength routine for the at-home environment. It’s been seven weeks for me and I’m still experimenting! But, I finally have a decent plan for you all that incorporates minimal equipment that you probably already have or can easily obtain. You can also substitute other items if you don’t have dumbbells, such as kettlebells, soup cans or water bottles. It is a body part split plan and I would recommend the following schedule:

Monday – Chest/Triceps

Tuesday – Leg Day #1

Wednesday – Back/Biceps and Abs

Thursday – Leg Day #2

Friday – Shoulders

Saturday – Abs

Also, try to get outside as much as possible. A 20 to 30 minute walk will do the trick. If weight loss is your goal, add more cardio to this plan – at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity three times per week. The full workouts are listed below with videos where I had them to share. If you have any questions about how to do any of these, let me know! I continue to add to my video library and will try to get to all of these in the coming weeks. Enjoy!

Ab Home Workout

Equipment Needed: Dumbbells

Superset 1 – 3 times through

Leg lifts – 30 seconds

Plank30 seconds


Superset 2 – 3 times through

Russian twists30 seconds

Bicycle crunches – 30 seconds


Superset 3 – 3 times through

Deadbug – 30 seconds

Plank crosses – 30 seconds


Superset 4 – 3 times through

Side plank thread the needle – 30 seconds (15 per side)

Pilates toe touchdowns – 30 seconds



V sit – 30 seconds work/10 seconds rest for 3 cycles


Back/Biceps Home Workout

Equipment Needed: Resistance band, dumbbells, barbell (optional)


Halos 15 seconds to the left; 15 seconds to the right
Arm Circles 30 seconds
Rear delt raises 2×10


Close Grip Lat Pulldown w/ resistance band 4×15
Row w/ resistance band 4×15
Straight arm pulldown w/ resistance band 4×15
Dumbbell or barbell row 4×15
Dumbbell biceps curl 3×15
Resistance band biceps curl 3×15


Resistance Band Alternating Row20 seconds work/10 seconds rest for 8 cycles


Chest/Triceps Home Workout

Equipment Needed: Resistance band, dumbbell


Arm Rotations 10 per side
Pushups 10


Floor press 4×15
Floor chest fly 4×15
One arm resistance band cable cross 3×15
Dumbbell skull crushers 3×15
Tricep pressdown w/ resistance band 3×15
Tricep overhead press w/ dumbbell 3×15


Tricep pushups (arms close to side) – 20 seconds work/10 seconds rest for 4 cycles


Shoulder Home Workout

Equipment Needed: Resistance band, dumbbell


Halos 5 per side
Arm circles 10 per side


Dumbbell shoulder press 3×15
Dumbbell side shoulder raise 3×15
Rear delt raises 3×15
Dumbbell front shoulder raise 3×15
Resistance band face pull 3×15
Upright dumbbell row 3×15


Shoulder press drop set – start with heaviest dumbbells you have and keep pressing lowering the weight, if you need to until you completely fail.


Home Leg Workout #1

Equipment Needed: Resistance band, dumbbell, ankle weights (optional), booty band (optional)


Booty band crab walk 3×30 sec
Leg swings 10


One leg glute bridge 4×15
Frog stance glute bridge 3×15
Sumo deadlift with dumbbell 4×15
Romanian deadlift with dumbbells 3×15
Split squat with dumbbells 3×15
Donkey kicks (use band or ankle weights if you have them) 3×20 per side
Booty band clam shells 2×20 per side


Glute bridge drill – 20 seconds work/10 seconds rest for 8 cycles


Home Leg Workout #2

Equipment Needed: Resistance band, booty band, dumbbells, ankle weights (optional)


Booty band crab walk 3×30 sec
Bird dog 5 per side


Resistance band squats 4×15
Resistance band assisted pistol squat 3×15 per side
Step up with dumbbells 4×15
Single leg Romanian deadlift 3×15
Hamstring curl on all fours (use ankle weights if you have them) 3×20 per side
Donkey kicks (use ankle weights or booty band if you have them) 3×20 per side
Booty band clam shells 2×20 per side


Wall sits45 seconds work/30 seconds rest for four cycles


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